Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog #13

Favorite Poem/Least favorite poem

My favorite poem that we read was "My Papa's Waltz", I feel that the poem related to the readers on a personal level making you really think about what we are trying to read between the lines about the poem.  It had the waltz quality to that and I liked that it was written that way.

My least favorite poem would be "Daddy", I felt as if the poem was a little too dark for me.  It made for an interesting read but it was more on a level of making me feel uncomfortable.  I wonder what made the writer write the poem and where she got her ideas from.

Favorite short story/Least favorite short story

My favorite short story was "Girl", because I liked how it was written.  It made more interested in reading it because it wasn't like any other short story in the format that it was shown.  I liked the details of the authority telling their daughter how to be a lady, but then contradicting what they are meaning because she then states "not like the slut you are already becoming".  I overall thought that it was a great read and recommend it to be read for future students.

My least favorite short story was "Bartleby, the Scrivener"  I didn't get into reading as much as I had wanted to.  I love to read short stories but this one just wasn't in my interest.  I feel that it didn't really make sense to me as the other stories that I read did.  I just did not like this short story personally.

"Death of a Salesman"

I think that next semester's ENG 150 should read this play.  Maybe more emphasis on the play so that they are really able to compare when they watch the movie. But in that case I feel that this play was an interested play to read. I liked it.

Watching "Bartleby" and "Death of a Salesman"

I did not like watching "Bartleby", I read the story and when we watched it I was more distracted on how the film was made.  Maybe a different version of it would have been better.  "Death of a Salesman" I felt was a good version to show the play.  I just felt that I liked watching the movie more than actually reading the play.  The movie was just easier to follow, giving an excuse to not really read the play sadly.

Favorite In-Class Activity/Least Favorite In-Class Activity

I liked having the movies or short films played when we would read something, just because it gave more to the discussion part of the activities.

I was least fond of the drawing of the story board of the stories.  It didn't go very smoothly in the group I was in and I thought that it was something that should have been easy to do but others thought to much into it.


I liked the ALL group discussions just because everyone was able to hear what you wanted to say about what we read or what we were going over.  It was hard to get a full discussion going but when we did have something to say I felt that the all group discussions were more enjoyable.

I didn't really like the small group discussions.  I think that when you want to have small group discussions I think that you should group everyone instead of everyone picking.  I didn't feel that anyone really cared to be there when we had the smaller groups.  I felt more hesistant talking in a small group or not saying anything at all compared to the ALL group discussions.

Blog Entries

I liked the blog entries but I felt that it was honestly too much of a hassle to do.  I was more focused on my other assignments and other classes to go online and get the blog entries done on time.  I enjoyed having to write the poems and the fun creative ones compared to having to be more serious and critical with them.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Grandpa Willy

Biff telling his son about Grandpa
Your grandpa was a great man, always wanting what was best for us.  He was a successful salesmen, you would have been very fond of what he did. He was gone a lot which made us miss him a lot when we were younger.  But when he was home, he always had high hopes for me and don't forget your Uncle Happy.  He wanted us to be successful in life.  He was always bragging to everyone saying how amazing we were and how proud he was to have sons like us.  Whenever he was home we would help him and grandma with cleaning and chores, he always seemed to just light up when we would help them.  But when I got older and went off to school it got more difficult to be around grandpa.  I never understood why we couldn't just get along when we were around each other.  Anyways enough of the hard times, you need to know that your Grandpa Willy was a great man, his job was very important to him and he worked very hard to put food on the table.  But always remember that I will always be proud of you no matter what.  Always know that I will allow you to be successful in whatever you choose.  Listen to my wise words, but always make your own decisions.  But you could always be successful like your Grandpa Willy or Great Uncle Ben, your grandpa adored your Great Uncle Ben.

Linda's Diary

Past Entry:

Willy is worrying me as each day goes by.  I want him to know that I will always be there for him but he is shutting me out.  I don't want him to feel that he is alone.  I hope that the worries and concern I show for him will allow him to understand that I really do care.  Willy should think about just staying home instead of trying to go on these long business trips alone.  I'm afraid that something terrible will happen if he doesn't reconsider.  The kids are getting up, I can hear them as the floors creep above my head.  Time to do my motherly duties.

Present Entry:

Willy came home all shooken up, he got home late which made me worry even more about the state that he is in.  His mind keeps wandering, almost like he is fighting against himself and he doesn't know what to do anymore.  I try to talk to him and try to give him subtle excuses so he doesn't feel like it is his fault.  I haven't told him that Biff has come back home, Hap has also come along with him.  Willy is going to be so upset that they are back instead of becoming successful sons that Willy has always wanted.  Lately Willy has been pushing me away.  I love him so much that all I do is hope that he still loves me like he did when we got married.  Oh how I miss those days.